

Abdominoplasty correct the abdominal wall in two situations:In case of slight skin stretching, the plastic surgeon recommends a mini abdominoplasty.
When the abdominal skin is so tight that it forms an “apron”, the plastic surgeon proposes an abdominoplasty with umbilical displacement.
The causes of unsightly swelling of the skin are multiple, sometimes with the appearance of what is commonly called an “apron” (the skin of the lower abdomen is so loose that a flap of flesh covers the pubic bone ).
The reasons for this excess meat are multiple: in most cases pregnancy, but also weight fluctuations, lack of exercise, lack of exercise and certain diseases and hereditary predispositions which strongly modify the appearance of the abdominal wall. Then the skin of the abdomen stretches, relaxes, thickens and infiltrates fat. The skin loses its elasticity and becomes thin and fragile (appearance of stretch marks), the muscles weaken and the wall as a whole deforms with a maximum appearance of “abdominal apron”


Schematically, one can imagine three very different types of abdominoplasty situations, each giving rise to an appropriate surgical strategy: The small round abdomen,The round abdomen with slightly swollen skin,The “forced” abdominal wall with a thick layer of fat and very loose skin. In the latter case, these are generally patients who come to see us after multiple pregnancies or after significant weight loss (after obesity surgery or diets).

How is belly surgery performed?


The procedure is performed in the clinic under general anesthesia and lasts an average of two to three hours. 
When it comes to correcting a more or less large fatty mass on the abdominal wall of a patient with firm and toned skin, the most commonly used method is liposuction (sometimes even with local stunning).
The cut is discreet and the consequences are simple. This is the “little round belly”.
In the case where the round belly is accompanied by sagging skin, simple liposuction is not enough and it becomes necessary to combine it with abdominoplasty: the swollen skin is removed and the muscles are strengthened, if necessary, to obtain a tighter stomach wall. The incision is made at the level of the pubic bone, as low as possible for maximum discretion. This procedure is called a mini abdominoplasty.In more advanced cases, the skin is very lax, the fatty infiltration is much greater and more diffuse, and the muscles are very weak, we then speak of “abdominal apron”: this requires a more significant intervention to rebuild all the structures.

It is the advanced abdominoplasty which involves total fat removal by liposuction, correction of any excess skin and tightening of overstretched muscles. The horizontal scar is generally low and its length increases as there is more tissue to be removed. Apart from this inconvenience (the scar) and if the postoperative follow-up is well ensured, the results observed both aesthetically and functional are remarkable. Several technical options are possible, which are explained to the patient on a case-by-case basis.

Hospitalization and recovery after abdominoplasty

The length of hospital stay is usually 24 hours. It can be extended if the patient’s condition requires it. Apparently, a treatment is established which includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and painkillers. Indeed, because of the liposuction in question, there is pain, especially in the ribs and back. It is very important to wear a holstered seat belt.

 This is to ensure tissue preservation to allow for easier and faster postoperative healing. This coverage is recommended day and night for two weeks if possible. Patients often wear this cuff only during the day for the next two weeks.
 Regular checks are carried out to monitor progress and provide appropriate advice. Immediately after, swelling and bruising cover the result. Usually, a noticeable refinement occurs only after a month. The result is stable after three months. Regular follow-up of the scar is carried out in order to obtain the most discreet result possible after one year.


Abdominal wall surgery responds to several problems faced by patients: reduction of excess abdominal volume, firming of loose skin after pregnancy or weight loss, firming of weakened muscles. Various techniques are available to the plastic surgeon for this purpose, which have evolved considerably and which he deems useful depending on the case. Each situation thus benefits from a personalized operating strategy. Many recent advances have made it possible to obtain satisfactory results for any type of intervention.


The result is generally very satisfactory for this type of intervention. It is particularly important to respect the postoperative instructions such as wearing an operating drape, the gradual resumption of physical activity and strict compliance with the recommended hygiene and dietary standards. The person operated on the abdomen regains a harmonious physical appearance, which is often felt as a physical and psychological relief.