Cosmetic dentistry (congenital malformation)

Dental Anomalies

All types of dental anomalies

1-Retrognathia: protruding teeth (“rabbit teeth”) or receding chin
This malocclusion is characterized by pushed back upper incisors (buck teeth). A small lower jaw may be the cause. Also, the use of pacifiers or thumb sucking can create this situation by pushing the teeth, which in some cases causes the upper palate to change shape. There are many therapeutic solutions (chin surgery, gum surgery, anchor screws, palatal expansion, Invisalign, etc.)

A-The symptom of “front teeth” or retrognathia

Retrognathia, which manifests itself on the front teeth, is one of the most frequent problems: it is characterized by a gap between the two jaws with protruding teeth: the upper teeth are advanced compared to the lower ones. Sometimes the gap between the two jaws is so small that it is barely noticeable, while in the most extreme cases the upper jaw is very prominent while the lower jaw looks considerably smaller. Retrognathia can cause serious dental problems. A prominent jawline can affect the way you speak, facial harmony, and facial structure. Anyone who has heard the term “hate your teeth” can attest to this. Patients who undergo orthodontic treatment or orthodontic surgery report improved chewing, greater fluency in speaking, and a marked improvement in aesthetics. of the face

B- Orthodontic treatment of retrognathia


Treatment with dental brackets• Dental elastics• Anchor screws• Tooth extractions• Palatal expansion or jaw enlargement



2- Dental spacing or crowding Orthodontics

Too much or too little space for the teeth can cause the appearance of gaps between the teeth or, conversely, overlapping of the teeth. Crowding prevents permanent teeth from aligning properly.

A-What is orthodontics?
Orthodontics; It is the science that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the jaw, teeth and face. Orthodontic treatment helps the teeth to be in the correct position, which promotes the development of the jaw in young children, while in adults it helps to correct existing crowding and closure irregularities, as well as disorders maxillary-facial. With orthodontic treatment, you can have a healthier mouth, a more impressive appearance, and teeth that stay in your mouth longer. Also orthodontics; Cooperation with various branches of medicine and dentistry in the treatment of congenital or acquired diseases of the jaw and face.

B-How does an orthodontic treatment take place?
Orthodontic treatment is performed with fixed or removable appliances that are attached to the teeth or the jawbone. The shape of these devices is not arbitrary, it is determined according to the needs of the treatment.·        Non-fixed devices;·       
fixed orthodontic appliances;·   
Metal brackets· 
Transparent supports·
Lingual parentheses·   
Wireless treatments

3-the overbite

If your dentist or orthodontist tells you that you have an overbite, it means that the upper incisors are overlapping the lower incisors too much. This means that the upper teeth “hide” the lower teeth, which is why we also speak of tooth covers. Overbite is characterized by excessive overlapping of the lower incisors with the upper incisors. The upper teeth “hide” the lower teeth. This disorder is widespread and easily treatable thanks to new orthodontic techniques. Thanks to new orthodontic techniques, treatment becomes easier. The wearing of external “shells” is no longer necessary and it is very rare for teeth to be extracted. The use of pliers (“rings”) solves the problem in children and adults.
 A-Orthodontic treatments for overbite

If the overbite in the child is recognized in time, the recommended treatment is carried out in two phases. The first consists of early orthodontic treatment around the age of 7-9 years when the permanent incisors have developed and allow the incisors to be “uncrossed” to promote the child’s growth and facilitate the second phase which will take place in dentition. definitive around the age of 12-14 years (shorter treatment, missing extraction ofpremolars, favored growth, etc.). In addition, this type of two-step orthodontic treatment significantly reduces the risk of recurrence after treatment. In adults, if the overbite is too large, orthodontic surgery can be proposed in addition to orthodontic treatment. Depending on the importance of the overbite, different types of orthodontic appliances can be offered to you: aesthetic multi-bands, lingual, thermoformed canals of the Invisalign type, etc. Only your orthodontist can tell you what to do.
 4-Off-center midline

As the name suggests, a decentered midline occurs when the midline is no longer perfectly vertical and therefore requires orthodontic treatment, but what is a midline in the dentition? There are several: – The dental midline: This is the imaginary line connecting the centers of the upper and lower central incisors. – The central line of the skeleton: This is the imaginary line drawn from the bone points (hence the name skeleton). – The midline of the face: It is the imaginary line of the face (hence the name of the face) which symmetrically separates the left and right halves of the face from the forehead to the chin. The axis shift is therefore an anomaly where the centers of the upper and lower incisors are misaligned, that is, they do not follow the axis of the tooth, and is therefore called an aberration.

A-How can an eccentric midline problem be treated?

Treating this type of malocclusion is difficult but not impossible because to be perfect it would require perfect alignment of the dental midline and the facial midline and this is difficult. The possible treatment is however an orthodontic treatment based on rubber bands and rings; Therefore, if you think your midline is off center and you have a chance of being treated, you should see a specialist.