Eyebrow Transplant

Eyebrow Transplant

What is an eyebrow transplant?
Eyebrow transplantation thickens and/or reconstructs the eyebrows through an intervention. This graft can also make it possible to correct a detail or an imperfection at the level of the head or the end of the eyebrows. During this procedure – and depending on the patient’s request – the professionals will recreate the entire eyebrow line. They can also increase the density of the eyebrow hairs, making them appear fuller. It can be done, for example, to cover a scar, as the expert tells us.

how is the intervention carried out?
Rest assured, the eyebrow transplant is not a major operation. This procedure only takes one day. The transplant can last from 1h30 to 3h on average. However, a complete eyebrow reconstruction can take up to 5 hours. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. You can then go home and even return to work the next day.

Before the intervention
Consultation with an expert required. The point is to make a diagnosis and see what can be done (particularly depending on eyebrow thickness and size) – and whether or not this procedure is really right for you.

The day of the procedure
A beautician comes to draw the shape of your eyebrows according to your wishes and according to the plan established with the doctor. The transplant can then begin. To do this, a shaving line is drawn under the hair at the back of the head, the specialist tells us. Why in this place? Because it is imperceptible and hair growth is continuous.

When can the results be observed after a transplant?
The results are visible from the first weeks after the eyebrow transplant. You should know that your implanted hair will fall out within the first three months! Don’t worry, this is perfectly normal. This allows new hair to start growing. “You will see day by day that the line of your eyebrows will take shape and that the sparse areas will fade”, adds the expert. The care of your eyebrows can begin.

Remember that you can only assess the optimal results of the procedure one year after the transplant.