Face Lift

Face Lift

The face is the privileged part of the body that represents us in communication with others. With the face we show all the expressions that translate all our sensations. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that you have a beautified, rejuvenated and refreshed face. So consider plastic surgery for a better life with our facial surgeries.

  face lift

The facelift is an intervention whose objective is to reposition the skin, fatty and muscular tissues which, due to gravity, tend to sag with age and form unsightly wrinkles, thus amplifying the effects of aging. . The operation was not intended to pull the tissue, but to bring it back to the position it was in a few years earlier for a natural result.


The facelift is indicated when the face loses its youth and becomes disorganized: sagging cheekbones, cheeks, nasolabial folds; the oval of the face ceases to be regular and becomes hollow. There is no age for a facelift and it mainly depends on premature aging and the desire of patients to regain their freshness.

Types of facelifts

There are different types of facelifts each treating a specific anatomical area:Cervical lift treats the neck and slightly the double chin,Lifting treats double chin, bitter wrinkles, nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks and cheekbones,Temple lift treats sagging of the temple area and the outer corner of the eyelid,Front lift treats forehead sagging and wrinkles.Each of these facelifts can be performed individually or in combination, depending on the desired objective.
The most common combination is the cervico-facial lift.Facelifts also vary in depth:The subcutaneous lift only treats the skin, it is more suitable for young women who want to keep their freshness or for older patients who have only excess skin.Deep Subfat Lifting (SACS) treats skin and fat. It is more suitable for the mature patient.Submuscular Lifting (SMAS) also treats the muscle layer if it contributes to aging.Mask lifting acts close to the bone and causes changes in the physiognomy.Endoscopic frontotemporal lift.
 It treats the sagging of the forehead, but especially the wrinkles of the forehead and the eyes (wrinkles between the eyebrows…) and makes it possible to lift the outer corner of the eyelid. It uses a camera and an endoscope and reduces the length of the scars. Each of these lifts has a specific function and action. The type of facelift offered depends on your request and the visible signs of age. Understanding the mechanisms of aging leads to proposing lipostructure in connection with facelift. The facelift returns the tissues to their normal position, the lipostructure restores volume and allows the skin cells to regenerate. The facelift lasts longer and looks very natural.
 Process of the operation

The patient must undergo a preoperative check-up before undergoing her facelift. This evaluation includes photos, a cardiovascular exam, a coagulation evaluation and a pre-anesthetic visit. The hospital stay is usually one night, but in some cases it may be shorter. The patient is then admitted on an outpatient basis and can return home after cosmetic surgery. The facelift is performed under general or reinforced local anesthesia, which is much lighter. The surgeon makes several incisions around the area to be treated, peels off the skin, then removes the excess skin. These gestures allow the skin tissue to be put back in its place, saving the patient several years of youth. Local anesthesia without hospitalization is possible for a temporary facelift alone or for a mini-lift.

How long does the effect of a facelift last?

The facelift slows down the effects of ageing. It lasts as long as the patients take care of it. The lifespan of a facelift is more than ten years. Care and hydration of the skin, sun protection, smoking cessation, moderate alcohol consumption allow the lifting effect to last. A facelift must be maintained regularly with mesolift and peeling treatments. It is quite possible to have several facelifts in a lifetime. What are the postoperative consequences?It is important to specify that the sequelae of a facelift no longer last as long as before and that the desired results avoid a frozen or too “torn” look. Initially, it is characterized by edema (swollen face) and ecchymoses (bruising). The extent and duration of swelling and bruising varies from person to person. On average, you recover completely within the first 15 days. In the first days after the operation, you can resume your professional activity even if your face is still swollen. Two to three are needed to resume normal sports activity. Most sutures are absorbable, you hardly have to remove anything. Finally, the episodes are rather short and require a short social clearance. The facelift is simply embarrassing: you will have a lot of tightness in the face and neck which will subside in a few days.  
The scars

Taking the example of cervico-facial and temporal tightening, the scars are located on the scalp at the temples, along the edge of the ear in the furrow behind the ear, and in the hair behind the ear . In a neck lift, they are located behind the ear and on the scalp. The scars are always hidden and not seen later.
 The result

It takes between 2 and 3 months to see the final result of the facelift. The result is thus configured over several months.

The advantages of the facelift are above all in the results:

You become more attractive.You seem less tired.You will look younger and more beautiful.You get a radiant complexion, a firm and smooth face.The procedure is painless.The postoperative suites are short.
 The inconvenients

Bruising may appear 24 hours after the operation.Healing delayAn infection: Manifests by a red and painful area at the level of the scars and fever.facial paralysis, usually temporary and limited.The downsides are fortunately rare.