Laser Technology

Lipolaser Technology

what is lipolaser

 Lipolysis represents the latest technology in laser lipolysis (diffusion of adipose tissue by laser diodes) which allows you to lose several centimeters of waistline, to redefine the contour of your body (hips, buttocks, arms, thighs, cheeks..improve the appearance of your cellulite.

Objectives of laser lipolysis
The action of the diode laser, called “cold” laser, is non-invasive, little or not painful and does not require any injection. There is no social eviction and the results generally appear quickly from the 1st session. This treatment will always be part of a global management of your lifestyle: optimization of your eating habits, practice of physical activity 

How does the LipoLaser work?


Our body’s energy reserve is made up of triglycerides, lipids stored in adipocytes (fat cells). Our adipocytes multiply at puberty, but their number no longer varies in adulthood. Only its size increases or decreases depending on weight gain or loss. Our body is constantly accumulating energy reserves from food.
The immediately usable calories are carbohydrates (sugars), but the medium-term calorie reserves are triglycerides. When our body needs energy, it draws on its reserves.
Adipocytes release triglycerides into the intercellular space in the form of free fatty acids, which in turn are used as a source of energy. 
Weight gain is associated with an unbalanced diet (too rich in carbohydrates and/or lipids) and insufficient physical activity.
The calorie intake then outweighs the loss, our body stores more than it uses and our fat mass increases. In people who are obese or gaining weight, the size of adipocytes increases far beyond normal, although their number remains constant. In this pattern, adipocytes “grow” as weight gain occurs. On the other hand, in lean or post-slimming individuals, the number of adipocytes remains the same but their size is reduced.
Adipocytes “lose weight”
The LipoLaser acts precisely on the level of the adipocytes.

Destroy fat with the LipoLaser
The LipoLaser has 14 laser diode plates with 4 different wavelengths that mimic the natural process of emptying fat cells and eliminating free fatty acids, just as we deplete our energy stores. The fat cells are destroyed by the laser radiation and the skin is tightened under the thermal effect of the LipoLaser. The LipoLaser thus achieves a natural and real-time thinning of the adipocytes. It has no side or harmful effects on surrounding tissues and organs. Some physical activity after each session is essential to ensure the elimination of released fatty acids and prevent their redeposition. Numerous clinical studies around the world have proven the effectiveness of this procedure. For example, when treating the abdomen, we saw a reduction in waist circumference of up to 4 cm from the first session. The modest cost of each session is an added attraction of this process

.The treatment protocol


The patient lies comfortably and wears safety glasses. The diode laser plates are placed directly on the skin without any preparation. Maintenance sessions can then be scheduled to maintain or even improve the results obtained.
 The LipoLaser does not cause any side effects, bruises or spots on the skin, except for a slight transient redness.
 There is no socio-professional eviction: after the session, you can immediately resume your daily activity. The day or night of the session, it is important to exercise to accelerate the elimination of released fatty acids. This activity is defined according to your morphology and your usual practice.

Some also recommend a preparatory exercise session the day before the session. 

In which cases can the LipoLaser be used?


These are all areas of the body where unwanted excess fat accumulates, knowing that several areas can be treated at the same time during the session. For circular (arms, thighs, etc.) or extended areas, the laser plates are fixed with bandages.
All types of photos can be processed. Several areas are treated: The areas treated are multiple:·         Belly  Flanks (love handles),·  Thighs,·  Buttocks,·         Cellulite and Saddlebags,·         Back (angel wings) and lower back,·         Arms and underarms,·         Double chin

Instructions to follow
Before the session :Avoid a heavy meal in the last 2 hours Drink a glass of water before the start of the session For women who have been treated on the stomach: Do not have a session if you have your period that day, do not receive treatment within 3 months of natural childbirth or within 6 months of cesarean section.
 After the session:Drink at least 1 liter of water with a diuretic product in the following hours to increase your elimination capacity. On the day or night of the session, practice a physical activity or sport adapted to your condition to accelerate the breakdown of lipids, activate blood circulation and strengthen your muscles. Adopt good habits through regular physical activity and a balanced diet: Eat fewer fatty and/or sugary foods and more foods rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals. If necessary, call a nutritionist.noDrink enough water regularly throughout the day (at least 1 liter)Eat at regular times, do not skip meals, especially breakfastAvoid snacks between meals, sugary drinks (soft drinks, syrups, etc.), as well as those containing synthetic sweeteners and alcoholic drinks (wine, beer, alcohol, etc.), all of which are high in calories.Avoid the eccentric diets that abound in the general press: weight gain is guaranteed in the short or medium term. Any deprivation eventually leads to frustration and inevitably to weight gain. 


This technology makes it possible to get rid of all types of cellulite, often resistant to any diet. Destroys fatty deposits in depth in a targeted manner and thus allows a reduction in the circumference of the treated areas. The results are visible immediately after each treatment. Typical results are a loss of 0.5 to 2.5 cm in circumference of the treated area after each treatment.

 The advantages and disadvantage of lypolaser

 Very safe method• Return to normal activities without downtime after a treatment.• Cellulite reduction• Two actions in one treatment• Low risk of bruising and bleeding• Lightweight procédure.• Fast recovery As for the disadvantages, these relate in particular to the reduced areas where the lipolaser is practiced. In addition, the results are less visible and take longer to appear. This method is also ineffective for some people.