Somach Balloon

Gastric Balloon

The gastric balloon is a balloon in the strict sense which is installed in the stomach without surgery in order to occupy part of it and allow weight loss through satiety and a slowing down of the transport of food. In this way, you will be able to re-evaluate, reduce and re-educate your diet to modify your eating habits and thus significantly reduce obesity.
The gastric balloon is a treatment indicated for overweight or obese patients whose BMI (body mass index) is greater than 25 and up to 35. In addition, the patient must undergo surgery. In general, it is the patient who makes the request and it is up to the doctor to recommend the type of balloon that is appropriate for the patient, according to his BMI and his experience. »

The polyurethane balloon, which remains in the stomach for 4 to 6 months, is indicated for people with a BMI between 25/27 and 30-35 who have not achieved sustained weight loss with other medical programs of weightloss. Made of soft silicone, One year stomach insertion, it is indicated for patients with a BMI between 30 and 35 who have tried other medical weight loss programs without lasting results.

gastric balloon for whom?

The gastric balloon is considered in overweight people with a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40 (except for the gastric balloon, which received the indication for installation of a BMI of 27) if they present health risks related to their obesity, limited to six months for a fixed period

How does the protocol work?
The patients are assured in the main doctors of various doctors that the patient is part of the Good Indications of the Pose of a Gastric Balloon, with a maximum chance of reuse at the end of the 6 months, but also beyond das You are :

A nutritionist;

A psychiatrist validating the mental state of the patient and evaluating the benefit of follow-up during the protocol;

A gastroenterologist who installs and removes the device and ensures the monitoring and follow-up of the act;

An anesthesiologist.

The balloon is always placed and deposited in a medical center specialized in digestive endoscopy and meeting the standards related to asepsis, care and follow-up of these patients

Installation of the gastric balloon and postoperative follow-up
The intragastric balloon is placed endoscopically through the natural channels by your gastroenterologist. Its implementation is accompanied by an endoscopy of the stomach, which allows the gastroenterologist to check the absence of pathologies of the digestive tract and the correct placement of the balloon at the level.

Once the balloon is placed in the stomach, it is filled either with a sterile saline solution colored with methylene blue, or with air, thanks to a catheter attached to the balloon.

Once the balloon is inflated, the doctor pulls on the inner end of the catheter and removes it. The balloon has a closure system that prevents leakage of liquid or air. The balloon floats freely in the stomach. The installation time is less than half an hour. Postoperative care takes place in the clinic for a few hours.

Monitoring gastric balloon treatment
While the balloon has been installed in the stomach, regular monitoring must be carried out by a multidisciplinary medical team consisting of a gastroenterologist, a nutritionist and a psychologist.

During the 2 or 3 uncomfortable days following installation, the entire team can be contacted by the patient to overcome any difficulties that may arise.

Regular consultations with the nutritionist take place until the removal of the gastric balloon.

The gastroenterologist will see the patient in consultation once a month and then every two months.

The patient follows the follow-up instructions recommended by the psychologist or psychiatrist

Dropping the balloon
After a maximum of 6 months, the balloon will be removed by the gastroenterologist, under the same hospital conditions as in the establishment and under the same safety conditions. Elimination has no particular digestive consequences in the days that follow.

After 6 months
Nutritional monitoring, continuation of nutritional rehabilitation, changes in habits must be continued at a rate agreed with the nutritionist and per individual. This support after the fact makes it possible to consolidate the results and even to continue the weight loss beyond these 6 months.