Tooth Implant

Dental implant

Dental implant placement is a simple medical procedure performed under local anesthesia by dental implantology to replace one or more missing teeth and preserve the surrounding healthy teeth. The principle is based on an artificial root which makes it possible to fix the dental crown or the denture. The installation takes place in two steps.

During the first operation, the dentist makes an incision in the gum where the implant will be placed. The latter is screwed at the root of the tooth. After a few months of healing, a second operation consists of placing the artificial tooth, a crown, a bridge or a prosthesis.

Dental implants have proven their effectiveness, their safety for other teeth, their durability and the quality of the aesthetic result.

Surgery and dental implants
Thinking about getting a dental implant after an extraction? Do you have any questions about this device and how it works? A dental implant is a device that fills a hole in the mouth when a tooth is missing. Implantation has many advantages: in addition to restoring normal chewing, the patient generally finds the pleasure of smiling with all his teeth. The placement of this implant requires a minor surgical intervention which does not involve any major risk.

What is a dental implant?
The dental implant is used to replace one or more missing teeth while maintaining the adjacent healthy teeth. It is an artificial root that fixes the crown or dentures. Placing the implant is therefore not an end in itself, since it must be completed by a prosthesis covering it. It is this prosthesis that will take on the appearance of a real tooth. In fact, this is exemplified by the implant, which comes in the form of a screw, usually made of titanium or zirconia. The quality of this device usually means that the patient never has to change the implant once it is placed.

In which cases can I consider the placement of a dental implant?The dental implant is intended for people who have lost one or more teeth following a dislocation or an extraction, for example following a cavity. The surgical procedure that allows the placement of the implants can be performed on people who have completed the growth of the maxillary bones, which occurs between the ages of 17 and 18. There is no age limit for performing the surgery, everyone must be in good general health.

How is the surgery for the placement of a dental implant?
Before each operation, the doctor assesses the patient’s oral health in order to propose the most suitable solution. The doctor therefore performs a clinical examination, which is often supplemented by an X-ray of the teeth. In order to offer you quality services, all centers are equipped with the latest imaging equipment. The placement of a dental implant is a simple medical act performed by an implantologist under local anesthesia.It takes place in two stages. During the first surgery, the dentist makes an incision in the gum where the implant will be placed to access the alveolar bone. The implant is then screwed into the root of the tooth. In most cases, the pain after the operation is very weak or non-existent. If necessary, an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory can be prescribed. After a few months of waiting necessary for healing, a second operation consists of placing the artificial tooth, a crown, a bridge or a prosthesis.

Are there any contraindications to this operation?
In general, you must be in good general health and have the healthiest mouth possible. Indeed, there are certain contraindications to this operation in certain specific situations which require a case-by-case study. Particular attention should be paid to people with heart problems or diabetes, for example. If you are pregnant, it is best to wait until the end of the pregnancy before undergoing this surgery. Only your dentist can assess the feasibility of this operation with full knowledge of your state of health.

What are the possible complications associated with this type of surgery?
Complications related to this operation are very rare and generally do not pose a major risk to the health of the patient, the most common complication being postoperative infection. Then, a course of antibiotics is prescribed and in a few days everything is back to normal.

What are the advantages of dental implants?
Dental implants have shown several undeniable advantages: their effectivenessIts safety compared to other teethIts useful lifeThe quality of the final rendering. The dental implant is also known for its longevity, normally it never needs to be replaced. The placement of an implant, then surmounted by a crown, makes it possible to preserve the adjacent teeth, which can be healthy, unlike a bridge which touches them.

What type of prosthesis to choose to cover the implant?

Different types of prostheses can cover the implant. Depending on your situation, your dentist will tell you which one is most appropriate. Here is a brief description of the prostheses that can be offered to you.

Fixed prostheses

The crown: in resin, metal or ceramic, a shell that covers the implant and takes on the appearance of the missing tooth;

The bridge: This is a possible option if you have several missing teeth. A crown is then placed on the implant and serves as a pillar for the placement of an adjacent false tooth; The total fixed prosthesis: If you have lost all your teeth, you can opt for the installation of a complete bridge which arises on implants. Not all the teeth are replaced by an implant because only a few will suffice. It is an alternative to the fully removable prosthesis that requires less maintenance but is also a more expensive option.

Removable prostheses
A fully removable prosthesis, commonly called a “prosthesis”, may require the placement of two implants which, thanks to a click system, ensure their attachment to the gum. This option is less expensive than a complete fixed prosthesis, but requires more daily care: cleaning after each meal and disinfection.

Some tips
The placement of a dental implant is therefore an intervention that restores the tooth after extraction. The causes of a missing tooth are multiple: Fracture, dislocation, poorly treated cavities, infection, etc. However, there are preventive measures that can prevent reaching this stage. Good oral hygiene can prevent tooth loss. Therefore, it is recommended to brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoridated toothpaste. Ideally, brush your teeth after each meal. If you have no luck after eating, finish with a glass of water and chew sugar-free gum that cleans your teeththanks to its salivary action. If you practice a sport that exposes you to violent blows to the face, wear a mouth guard to limit the risk of fractures. Finally, visit your dentist regularly for check-ups: every year and twice a year from the age of 60. If you experience any pain or symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor immediately.