Traditional Dental Implants

Traditional dental prosthesis

Traditional dental prosthesis VS Dental prosthesis on implants

Whether it’s due to poor dental hygiene, illness or an accident, you may have lost all the teeth in one or both jaws. If so, are you perhaps living with the consequences of bloodshed? Know that losing your teeth is not an end and that there are solutions to help you rediscover the pleasure of smiling, laughing and eating! People who have suffered a complete indentation have two main options for replacing their teeth: the traditional dental prosthesis and the dental implant prosthesis. So we wanted to tell you what these two denture options are and their pros and cons. While traditional dentures are the most common option for replacing all missing teeth, more and more patients are opting for implant-supported dentures. We hope this reading will help you understand why.

The traditional dental prosthesis
This type of prostheses, commonly called prostheses, are made of acrylic in most cases. It is used in particular to improve the aesthetic appearance of the smile, but also to restore the patient’s ability to chew and speak. Conventional dentures are placed on the gums and held in place by the resulting suction. In many cases, a dental adhesive is also used to secure it more securely in the mouth.


The advantages of the traditional prosthesis
Its advantages are mainly the speed of manufacture and installation of prostheses and the price of treatment. During a first appointment, measurements are taken in order to make a prosthesis that adapts perfectly to the patient’s physiognomy. This will be set up during a second meeting and can be adjusted later. Thus, it is possible to have a new prosthesis in a short timeIt should also be noted that the price of the traditional prosthesis is lower than that associated with the placement and design of a dental prosthesis on implants.


Disadvantages of traditional prosthesis
Ill-fitting dentures can be painful to wear. In addition, this type of prosthesis is quite fragile, so care must be taken when cleaning it. Traditional dentures are not as stable in the mouth as implant prostheses, so care should be taken when consuming hard or chewy foods.
The main disadvantage of the traditional prosthesis is that it has a limited lifespan. Indeed, the absence of natural teeth leads to resorption of the jawbone over time. For this reason, the physiognomy of the jaw and the face changes over time, so that a new, more suitable prosthesis must be designed. Therefore, the traditional prosthesis must be replaced every 5 to 10 years.


The dental prosthesis on implants
The implant prosthesis consists of an acrylic piece that is attached to the upper jaw with a series of dental implants. This type of prosthesis can be fixed or removable.Dental implants must be placed during surgery and you must wait for them to heal before inserting a prosthesis. This type of prosthesis gives the replacement teeth excellent stability while giving them a very natural appearance!
 The advantages of the prosthesis on implants
Implant-supported prostheses offer better stability and more comfort than traditional prostheses. The patient can therefore eat what he wants without having to worry about his dentures. In addition, dental implants can stay in place for many decades or even a lifetime. Its presence in the upper jaw continues to stimulate the latter, which does not resorb over time as with the traditional prosthesis. Thus, the implant prosthesis does not need to be replaced regularly, which makes it more durable.


Disadvantages of the prosthesis on implants
The placement of dental implants takes several months. Since it is necessary to wait for the healing of the upper jaw before fixing the prosthesis there, it must be understood that the process of designing and fitting a prosthesis on implants takes much longer than a traditional prosthesis. In addition, the amount payable is higher, but the prosthesis does not need to be replaced so quickly.If you need to replace all of your teeth, you now know your options. In light of this article, we hope you have the information you need to make the best oral health decision.