Women Hair Transplantation

Women Hair Transplantation

To counter the phenomenon of female androgenetic alopecia, hair transplantation is a procedure that is increasingly practiced. With this technique you can find thick and natural hair thanks to a non-invasive and painless method. However, it is important to ask the right questions before undertaking such surgery.
In hair transplantation for women, the reasons for hair loss are different from those for men. It can be an inadequate diet, certain diseases such as alopecia or certain hormonal disorders. Therefore, in order to ensure the treatment of the causes of hair loss before hair transplantation, it is very important to carry out a general medical examination.

Hair transplant in women
Hair loss is often associated with men and affects a large number of women as well. However, thinning does not occur in the same way and develops in 3 different stages according to the Ludwig Scale. Thus, women can also perform a hair transplant using the FUE method and the same techniques as the procedure on a man.

In women, hair loss can occur from their twenties, but 40% of them experience hair loss during hormonal changes. This way, the hair at the top of the head is thinned and weakened, exposing the scalp.

Hair transplant without shaving for women
In DHI hair transplantation procedures, it is possible to perform hair transplantation in a more suitable way. This makes it easier to achieve a more natural look. Since the waiting time of hair follicles before and after hair transplantation is minimized, the loss of hair follicles is reduced. With the hair transplant pen, it is possible to specify the angle and direction, and the angles of the implanted hair follicles can be determined much more easily. DHI hair transplantation offers the possibility of grafting directly into the needed area without damaging the existing hair while providing an added benefit to people who have not completely lost their hair. During transplantation, holes the size of the hair follicles are open, in this way the operation is completed with the least damage.

How is the operation
Step 1: Hair assessment and evaluation of the donor area
Step 2: Drawing the hairline and extraction area
Step 3: Anesthesia
Step 4: Extraction of follicular units
Step 5: Classification of grafts
Step 6: Planting the bulbs
Step 7: Postoperative control and follow-up of regrowth stages

From what age can a woman proceed to a hair transplant?
If your general state of health allows it, there is no minimum age required for hair transplantation in women. However, it is advisable to decide on a minoxidil treatment before considering its use. In general, this solution is not recommended for women under 23, but it is not impossible.

In which cases is a female hair transplant not possible
As with men, this type of operation is almost always possible for women. However, there are a few exceptions to the rule, such as when the bald patch is too large, the donor area is not dense enough, or the patient is not healthy.

Is a hair operation more complicated for women than for men?
Like men, women are increasingly using hair implants. To date, more than 15% of the female population have used this procedure to resolve their baldness. Therefore, it is clear that a hair transplant, whether for a woman or a man, is always the same procedure. So, with a woman, it’s not more complicated.